How can I make my room more sleep-friendly

Our bedrooms are our sleep sanctuaries and should reflect your intention of getting the best night’s sleep possible whilst you’re in it. 

It doesn’t take a huge difference to turn bedtime from a chore to a joyful part of your day - light a candle, set the mood, and follow our top tips for creating the perfect bedroom for sleeping well. 

How to optimise your bedroom: 5 tips for better sleep

Of course, we appreciate that each person’s sleep routine is different, but our resident sleep expert and certified Sleep Coach, Chloe, has shared her recommendations on how to create the perfect sleep haven. 

  • Keep your bedroom dark
  • We sleep best when it’s dark, so keep your bedroom at an 8 out of 10 in terms of darkness. This means you should be able to see your hand in front of you with the lights off and curtains drawn. 

    Speaking of lights, keep overheads to a minimum and ditch the blue light before going to sleep! Warm lamps and fairy lights create a cosier atmosphere and the optimal environment for getting ready for bed. 

  • Turn the heating down
  • Temperature is an important factor in how fast we fall asleep, and the quality of our slumber. Ideally, you want your room to be around a cool 16 - 20 degrees. 

    If you have trouble with the temperature at night, consider adding a woollen blanket to your bedding - it’s proven that sleeping with wool can help you fall asleep faster, for longer and with fewer interruptions during the night. 

  • Add natural fibres to your bedroom
  • Fibres like wool and cotton are great for your bedding and pyjamas. These materials help your skin breathe and regulate your body temperature, which can lead to much more restful sleep. 

    Having different textures in your bedroom also creates a lovely tactile environment, and who doesn’t love drifting off feeling like you’re lying on a fluffy cloud? 

  • Tidy room, tidy mind
  • It’s such a cliche, but it’s true! Having a cluttered room is distracting as you try and fall asleep, and let’s face it, isn’t that nice to wake up to. Invest in storage solutions and keep your room minimal and soft. 

    Speaking of a tidy mind, meditating or journaling before bed can also help clear any clutter from your headspace. Apps like Balance offer a free year of meditation and can help quiet your mind and make it easier to fall asleep. 

  • Get into a lavender haze
  • Lavender is wonderful at helping us sleep. It’s proven the scent reduces stress, thereby allowing us to relax more as we head off into the land of nod.

    Light a lavender-scented candle half an hour before you go to bed, or use a pillow spray and let the magic of lavender do its thing. 

    How does your bedroom affect your sleep?

    Being relaxed before bed is important in improving your quality of sleep. An unoptimised bedroom might look like clashing, loud decor, too much light or noise pollution, or an uncomfortable bed. 

    A bedroom that’s optimised for sleep will help you in the long-run, encourage a proper sleep routine, and get you those much needed ZZZs for a restful night of slumber.